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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Yn ôl i'r rhestr Helios Renewable Energy Project

Cynrychiolaeth gan Louise Harrison

Dyddiad cyflwyno
28 Medi 2024
Cyflwynwyd gan
Members of the public/businesses

This is top quality agricultural land, BMV which delivers very high yields, growing essential crops & root vegetables, Food security is a real worry for this country, counting meat production dilutes the true impact of all the solar farms on cereal crop production & root vegetables. The loss of these also dilutes the green impact as more food needs to be imported. The noise during the build is a real worry, I have horses and animals, this will be very scary for them and cause upset and potential illness - colic. Plus the impact to the off road riding we have in the area, which will no longer be safe when large fences are erected & traffic significantly increases. We will need many refuge areas or there will be many accidents. I live in West Bank, we have not been consulted at any time. We were promised a consultation but that never happened. The size of this proposal is too large, it is too close to homes in West Bank and other areas, it will increase floods in an already high flood risk area & could well contaminate the principle aquafer which runs through the area. This is a source protection zone. This will completely change a lovely serene area and make it an industrial one, which will have light contamination & hugely increased noise levels. I am very worried about it. In another part of the country banks are already refusing mortgages in areas with solar farm proposals agreed due to the impact on house prices. The company behind this scheme owns 80% of our gas pipelines & southern water, they will soon be able to hold all our essential services to ransom. Looking at Southern water, it is clear they have no willingness to run these projects effectively, they cut corners & do anything to increase profits. Please reconsider this scheme, with two others already approved it will permanently change the area & ruin it with no huge benefit to society.