Representation by Roy Burton
- Date submitted
- 28 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
I am opposed to this solar development for the following reasons. If this project goes ahead it will take up a massive amount of good productive farm land at a time when we will need to be much more self sufficient in food production due to the war in Ukraine and our exit from the EU. With less farm land to manage there will be a decline in skilled farm workers/Farmers. Our rural environment will be changed into an industrial one. Wind Farms at least allow the fields to be used for agriculture as well as providing power. Solar farms do not. There will be a great impact on wildlife, i.e., deer not being allowed to run free. The quality of life for local people will change completely and not for the better. The site is so vast it will ruin the natural beauty of this area. It has been reported, from several sources, that the control equipment for the solar farms emits constant background noise, to such an extent that it can be considered pollution. Traffic will increase dramatically on roads, that are already inadequate, while construction takes place.