Representation by Angela Lowery
- Date submitted
- 28 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
This project will have a massive detromental affect on peoples mental health and well being by taking away countryside views and walks to be replaced by acres of solar panels and storage batteries. We live in the coutryside in order to be able to enjoy freedom to walk and enjoy our environment and if this project goes ahead this will be taken from us. We share the proposed area with a large amount of wildlife, especially deer, hares, rabbits, buzzards etc and they also will be impacted by their natural habitat being taken away. Solar panels and storage batteries require a lot of energy to produce, how many years will it be before the cost of production is balanced out? We are informed that the panels will not have a lifespan of the proposed 40 year project, so more energy will be needed to produce more and replace them, causing more disruption. Surely this cannot be energy efficient. Also how will panels and batteries be disposed of at the end of their life, sent to landfill... not good for the environment! Constuction of the roads needed to access the sites will involve hundred of lorry loads of aggregate, using diesel to fuel the vehicles and causing a major increase of road traffic and disruption. The project will totally surround our small country village of Camblesforth and will not produce anywhere near enough energy compared to Drax Power Station, but will take up acres and acres of land that could be better used to produce food this country needs. Solar panels should be on roof tops not in fields.