Representation by Elizabeth Smith
- Date submitted
- 29 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
I am writing to object to the proposed Helios solar project in and around Camblesforth. This project is on an unprecedented scale and, if allowed to go ahead will completely surround the village in conjunction with the other solar schemes in this area. Two of these schemes have already been granted permission to proceed and I strongly feel that allowing a third, even larger scheme in the same small village is ridiculous. The scale of the Helios project will overwhelm the area and result in the residents being imprisoned within a ring of row upon row of huge monoliths for miles around. The proposed site is high quality agricultural land, which should be protected when the country faces major food security and sustainability issues. Surely there are less productive land sites elsewhere that would be more suitable for such an endeavour, indeed focus for electrical generation of this type should be taken up by brown field sites and technologies such as offshore wind generation. Siting solar projects as far North in the UK, limits their ability to generate full output. This is hardly environmentally friendly practice, as logically the kilowatt output should be optimised by being in areas that enjoy the most light and sunny hours. Moreover, it does not seem that those in charge of policy are considering how much more efficient a few large wind turbines are in producing high output than the massive acreage required to match it using solar. Helios is resource wasteful in the extreme, particularly given that the land in question is of such high agricultural quality. Ecologically, the Camblesforth surrounds will be irrevocably damaged, with untold impact on the existing wildlife, flora and fauna. There are serious unanswered questions as to the impact on the aquafers and water courses locally, from both construction and operation, not to mention the effect of the noise pollution created from the massive battery storage facilities of one hundred or more containers, producing 24/7 high-pitched buzzing from fans, transformers and inverters, affecting the human and animal population alike for up to 40 years. These battery facilities are a major risk in the event of fire or flood. The proposed location lies within a medium to high risk flood area and should the rivers overflow, then major consequences would result. The chemicals used to produce batteries are very explosive and the potential for toxic clouds of gas to develop into a fire and heavy metal contamination from any discharge would cause irreparable damage. Of course, the reality is that it wouldn’t take a flood, as battery storage facilities around the world have been shown to have high incidents of in-service fires. It doesn’t take more than a cursory Google search to see that these fires have lasted four to five days, whilst spewing out highly dangerous toxic fumes. In addition to the noise pollution issues for residents, there will be a high incidence of reflective glare from the panels and structures, causing mirror-like light invasion to residents’ homes and gardens. This is coupled with the danger of glare for vehicles. These panels are individually huge, and they plan to have many thousands, multiplying these effects and creating a visual blight for anyone enjoying the countryside. Furthermore, these facilities will be ringed with high security fencing, lighting, cameras and security patrols, all told making this environment intolerable for residents It is not that I am against new technologies, far from it, but I do feel that this area is already playing its part by hosting the two schemes already in progress, as well as a number of other industrial projects which are in or run through here: Drax power station, energy pipelines from Scotland, a carbon capture plant and the Barlow ash plant; all exist or are proposed in and around this village, so isn’t it fair for other locations to be utilised for the Helios one? In conclusion, I urge you to reject this application.