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Back to list Helios Renewable Energy Project

Representation by Mrs Joanne Baxter

Date submitted
30 September 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Secretary of State for Local Government, I am writing with regards to the proposed application by Helios for a solar panel farm and my concerns about the proposed Helios solar panel farm project. The size of this application is huge compared to the two other solar panel farms, which have already been approved. Camblesforth and the surrounding villages have already carried their share for national energy security by the placement of Drax and its subsequent plans and expansion and now two large solar panel farms. The village of Camblesforth and the other affected villages will be at risk of being completely surrounded by solar panel farms and the landscape being permanently changed from countryside to an industrial site. The Helios Solar Panel Farm will remove 476 hectares of which, 96% is Best and Most Versatile land (BMV) of Grade 1, 2 or 3a. I believe this is short-sighted and unnecessary, especially when there are so many other sites that could be used. If we loose land, we loose farmers for generations, we then have increased food security issues. Drilling down into the land to mount the 2m high solar panels and frames will cause noise, dust and vibrations, which will affecting residents and wildlife. The solar panels currently manufactured involve using fossil fuels and have an unknown carbon footprint. The material to make and create solar panels are toxic. How are these solar panels going to be safely removed if damaged or one the project has ended? I am concerned about the news of solar panels being made under forced labour practices and the human rights of these workers. Is this project ethical? The A1041, A645 and A19 are rural roads, liable to flooding, falling trees and accidents. Having a huge increase in access roads and HGVs will undoubtedly impact residents and make the roads even more dangerous. Noise nuisance is a major concern with this proposal. 100 containers with transformers producing 70 – 90dBs. At worst this will be hazardous to myself and other residents in close proximity as residents in the wider area will likely be subjected to a continuous high-pitched buzz for the next 30 plus years 24/7. There needs to be more testing on this, as not enough areas were covered. The cumulative impact of noise nuisance is significant. A cumulative effect of noise pollution could affect my mental health, and my daily living would be affected as I cannot enjoy use of local walking routes. The solar panel farm would likely devalue house prices as the village would be surrounded by a mass industrial site. Helios have not offered any talk of community benefit or compensation for this. There will be a fundamental change to the landscape and the loss of use and enjoyment of the landscape for over 30 years. Helios repeat the proposal if for 30 years, which will not feel temporary to me as it will affect me for life. The cumulative impact is significant. Helios will add another 190MW of solar energy on 476 hectares of land to the west of Camblesforth, effectively surrounding the villages with new solar and renewable energy infrastructure projects amounting to over 2,100 hectares or 8 square miles. With the numerous projects already agreed or in local or NSPO planning, this is devastating to our community. I believe the proposed Helios solar panel farm’s proximity to Drax Power Station should not give more weight to their application. Allowing Camblesforth to become surrounded by industry will radically change the character, rural nature and community spirit of our local village forever and we will become a massive industrial estate. The proposed 100 shipping containers used to store batteries and energy means should a fire occur, winds will most certainly bring toxic emissions of gases such as hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide and hydrogen straight towards Camblesforth and surrounding village. How will a fire on this scale me managed. This is a huge worry for me living in this area as this could surely affect mine and residents’ health, home and life. Biodiversity will be damaged not improved. The natural biodiversity which will be greatly impacted, and this is not mitigated by planting wildflowers alone. There are barn owls, buzzards, bats, newts, voles, badgers, moles, wild deer, buzzards and more in the area that will suffer Drilling into the ground, HGVs will cause noise and vibration, which will cause distress to wildlife. The A1041 is poorly maintained with an extremely poor road surface, potholes, lack of cat eyes and road markings. It is also subject to heavy flooding, The A1041 through Camblesforth village is very narrow and HGVs already struggle here and mount the tiny pavement ot try and squeeze through. The cumulative effect of 2 accepted proposals will add to an already heavily over polluted and busy network. This significant disruption and increased noise and fume pollution will affect my health and that of local residents for at least 2 years with just this project alone. I am also worried about glint and glare. Especially in sunshine and when there is water and flooding on the A1041. There is Burn gliding club nearby and I enjoy watching these aircraft from my garden. They will likely suffer with glint and glare over such a huge area of solar panels. Should they encounter an emergency, I would be concerned about them crashing into the solar panels as opposed to making an emergency landing on flat ground. This danger speaks for itself. The proposed site is a flood risk on zones 2 and 3a. I am worried about the impact the runoff of water will have. There is well documented evidence of severe flooding in this area and the surrounding areas. Piling on this scale and any toxic leaks in future may give rise to groundwater channels becoming contaminated. I am worried about the cumulative effect of solar panel farms and mobile, internet and television reception. This site could negatively impact the already poor and intermittent mobile phone signal, broadband and television reception. There is a lack of jobs created in the short or long term by this project. This is a specialist area of energy installation, and I am concerned workers will be brought in for out of area or abroad to undertake this work. There is a lack of local provisions for contractors, with Camblesforth having a few very small hotel rooms. There will be a long-term loss to the local economy from a lack of tourism which outweighs any short-term cash injection from construction workers. There could be historic artefacts under the land, which have been noted in other local planning applications, such as likely Roman settlements. Has a thorough archaeological survey been undertaken? I ask that you please seriously consider the affects this plan will have on current residents and future generations. Camblesforth and surrounding villages have taken our fair shar on behalf of the UK to produce energy and should not be affected anymore. When there are other sites which can be used without impacting local residents by changing the remaining landscape irreversibly. I believe this plan should be rejected. Yours sincerely, [REDACTED] 30.09.2024