Cynrychiolaeth gan Natural England (Natural England)
- Dyddiad cyflwyno
- 30 Medi 2024
- Cyflwynwyd gan
- Other statutory consultees
Natural England considers that the Applicant has provided insufficient evidence and is not yet satisfied that that the following issues have been addressed; Internationally designated sites • Potential loss of functionally linked land (FLL) for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Potential noise disturbance during construction to FLL for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Operational impacts to FLL for SPA / Ramsar birds. • Potential air quality impacts from construction traffic. • In-combination impacts Nationally designated sites • Overlapping internationally designated site impacts for the relevant SSSIs. • Potential air quality impacts from construction traffic. Soils and best and most versatile agricultural land • Aspects of the outline Soil Management Plan (oSMP) We will also provide a full relevant representations response letter addressing the above points to: