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Representation by The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

Date submitted
30 September 2024
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity and a leading voice in bringing to the attention of government, landowners and the general public the state of the UK’s woods and trees. We own over 1,000 sites across the UK, covering over 30,000 hectares and we have over 500,000 members and supporters. The Trust also campaigns with the support of local communities, to prevent any further destruction of ancient woods and veteran trees. We are an evidence-led organisation, using existing policy and our conservation and planning expertise to assess the impacts of development on ancient woodland and veteran trees. Planning responses submitted by the Trust are based on a review of information provided as part of a planning application. We welcome the opportunity to register as an Interested Party and provide a representation on this scheme. We are pleased to note that Kerrick Spring Wood ancient woodland has been afforded a 15 metre buffer zone. However, we have some concerns in relation to potential impacts of the development on ancient and veteran trees. The applicant has provided an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (APP-150), which includes a tree survey detailing trees within proximity of the proposed works. It is stated that no ancient or veteran trees have been recorded on the site, however, the tree survey describes trees T225 and T278 as “borderline ancient”. A tree which is considered to be borderline ancient should be categorised as a veteran tree and afforded a veteran tree buffer in line with Natural England and Forestry Commission’s standing advice. We have not been able to find a plan showing the position of infrastructure in relation to root protection areas, but it should be ensured that new infrastructure is excluded from these buffer zones. Additionally, we note the presence of two trees adjacent to the site boundary which are registered on the Ancient Tree Inventory (ATI). These are:- ATI ID 14482 (Veteran Oak) at grid ref SE 6311 2572 ATI ID 14481 (Veteran Oak) at grid ref SE 6320 2569 We have not been able to identify ID 14481 in the Tree Survey, however assuming that there are no modifications to Sandwith Lane it does not appear that the proposals would impact this veteran oak. ATI tree ID 14482 should be afforded a veteran tree buffer zone and care should be taken if any landscaping works south of Sandwith Lane are being undertaken within the buffer zone. The tree survey identifies some notable specimens. We would advise that where notable trees are identified they should be retained and afforded sufficient buffers to allow them to become veteran trees in the future. Although notable trees may not represent the same level of value as ancient or veteran trees, they are likely to become veteran specimens if afforded appropriate space to grow and develop. We hope these comments are helpful and would welcome the opportunity to engage further at written representation stage.