Representation by Owen Hughes
- Date submitted
- 30 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
The proposal should be declined as this are has very little left in the way of leisure spaces and this solar farm will make many of the paths and bridleways inaccessible to walkers and riders alike. Within very close proximity we have 2 solar farms already approved, Drax power station and battery storage . One small area should not be the dumping ground for all of this. Villagers have a right to live in peaceful surroundings . Wildlife in the area will be impacted. We have bats on our property , owls in a nearby copse and deer that frequently cross the land in question for grazing and shelter. We must consider these! This proposal sits in a flood plain. I do not think that needs any further explanation! The area in question is surrounded by single track roads and the impact of numerous Hgv’s on these roads in a single day will horrendous. It’s an accident waiting to happen for horse riders especially. We cannot take huge swathes of BMV land out of production and not feel the impact . The government said we should increase home grown food production. This clearly will not help that and will mean we will be more reliant on food imports and the disruption to supplies that have been seen recently with regards to Ukraine. Food prices will rise due to the instability of supply