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Representation by Gavin Dines

Date submitted
10 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our house sits directly next to the undergrounding part of the project. We have lived here for two years, and are anticipating many years of hell when the project starts. The field full of trees, and mature elms that run along the road will all be destroyed. The lane of trees hold a place in our heart and are one of the reasons we bought the house. Upon visit from surveryors working on the project, they tell it’s it’s highly likely all trees will be destroyed and no effort will be made to save any of them. Our children will grow up next to a building site, and my son who already [REDACTED] will suffer from the unsettled ground of the project. The line where the trenching could happen will be 3m away from our stables, where three very anxious horses live. The digging will be very close to our front door, and affect our very way of life for many years.