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Representation by Ian Rutledge

Date submitted
18 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in the village of Alphamstone, and travel daily to work in Sudbury. As such, I have interest in the locality from both an aesthetic and practical view point. Cable Route Much of the land that the line is proposed to pass through in Alphamstone is registered under the DeFRA Countryside Stewardship Scheme, and classified as Higher Tier – Both Cobbs Farm and Coppins Farm. Many other areas in the locality are equally environmentally important, but may not be registered with the DeFRA Stewardship scheme. One area of note passes through the valley and wooded area between Lightlands and Ansells Farm. Much of this area is under the tutelage of Cobbs Farm. As I understand, the soil in this vicinity is gravelly / rocky, and may not be conducive to underground drilling. Indeed, from National Grid own Project Development Document (5.5.13) “…...The Indicative Alignment presented at the non-statutory consultation included a underground cable across Culverdown, which is a steep sided valley. A trenchless crossing was proposed in the COR, to reduce effects on sensitive habitats within the base of the valley. Engineering and design work undertaken since, has shown that a trenchless crossing would be technically challenging at this location given the ground conditions.” And yet, in the National Grid Consultation Feedback Form 3, September 2022 (Page 5)……. “To reduce the environmental impact of the construction of underground cables we are proposing to install a section of these cables beneath the wooded valley to the south of Ansells Grove using trenchless contruction methods……. This will protect the vegitation, watercourse and landscape in this area.” Has a full soil survey been carried out within this valley area along the water course? Have environmental considerations have been discussed with the land owner? I note from “Project Background Document, Historic Environment (p62)”, that National Grid are aware of one Scheduled Monument, in Section AB, Bamford to Hintlesham. National Grid should also be aware that Alphamstone has the remains of a Roman Villa behind St. Barnabas Church in Alphamstone. Bronze age urns have also been found nearby. This Villa was scheduled in August 1995. (Historic England ID – 1011807, English Heritage ID – 24872. 51.9852N, 0.7347E) There is also an associated Roman Tile Kiln a short distance from the Villa just down Moat Lane. (51.9866N, 0.7362E) With this in mind, I trust that all efforts will be made in the archaeological surveys, including Aerial thermography (Thermal infrared imaging) and ground penetrating radar. Should anything of potential historic value be found, then I trust that the cable boring will be of a sufficient depth so as not to damage the archaeology. Temporary Haul Road In general I am in favour of having a temporary road for heavy construction traffic. I note that in National Grid Consultation Feedback Form 3, September 2022 (Page 6)….. “The haul road will be removed once construction is complete, with the land reinstated to its original condition” ? I trust that this includes any and all hedges that may have to be removed, and ditches that have to be bridged. ? On National Grid interactive map, the route of the haul road goes to the southern edge of Lorkins Farm farm yard. This area, I believe, is the farms private airstrip. (51°59'06.7"N 0°42'31.9"E) Lorkins Farm may have something to say about this. General Comment It is my understanding that the power line upgrade goes from the east coast down to Tilbury. No where have I seen why an east coast marine power line is not being installed. This could connect the off shore wind farms off of the Suffolk and Essex coast, Sizewell Power stations, Bradwell B (which is still under planning). The line could then go up the Thames to Tilbury Docks. Additionally, a connection could be incorporated at Felixstowe Docks to cater for any additional power requirements of any future expansion.