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Representation by Great Maplestead Parish Council (Great Maplestead Parish Council)

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Great Maplestead Parish Council considers the plans to reinforce the electricity network between the Bramford substation in Suffolk and the Twinstead Tee in Essex as presented, using cables suspended from pylons as the means of transmission, are destructive and out-dated, and will cause irreversible damage to the countryside, wildlife habitats and local communities. The Council fully supports the need to generate renewable and low carbon electricity to meet local and national Net Zero ambitions. However, it believes that there are more suitable, sustainable and modern transmission alternatives for the network, such as underground or undersea cable routes around the East Anglian coastline. The current proposal threatens to have significant, and totally unacceptable, impacts on local communities, businesses and cherished landscapes along its proposed route, with 50-year old, carbon-heavy, technology being used to deliver a supposedly clean energy solution. The Council considers that the offshore and underground alternatives, which would allow clean North Sea and nuclear energy to join the National Grid without the disproportionate impacts of overhead cables, have not been properly investigated and presented