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Representation by Lamarsh Village Hall (Lamarsh Village Hall)

Date submitted
7 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The village hall is located on a narrow road (within the scope of the order limits) in a rural location. We are concerned that the increase in traffic movement and associated noise and pollution will have a detrimental effect on the hall and its desirability for use and hire. The many community events that we host are during the daytime - community library, coffee mornings yoga and excercise classes which will be negatively impacted by the noise of the works. We believe that any restrictions on access will have a detrimental effect on hall usage and hire. To mitigate any danger to village hall users we want all works traffic and that of employees and contractors on the project to use the haul route that will be constructed rather than use the narrow lanes that are single track in places with blind summits and bends.