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Representation by Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership (Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership)

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These Relevant Representations are made on behalf of the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership. This un-constituted Partnership is made up of around 20 organisations who are committed to the purposes of the AONB designation, to conserve and enhance natural beauty. It believes it is the only grouping that has as its sole purpose the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty in the Dedham Vale AONB. For the avoidance of any doubt, individual members of the AONB Partnership including statutory bodies, statutory undertakers and others are likely to provide their own relevant representations reflecting their remit, interests and responsibilities. This is likely to include those with a statutory duty towards delivering AONB purpose. The AONB Partnership will focus on the following issues for both construction and operational phases: 1) How the proposals will impact on the AONB’s ability to deliver its statutory purpose. 2) If the proposals conform to policy, particularly that relating to nationally designated landscapes, National Planning Policy Statements and the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Management Plan. 3) The landscape and visual impact of the proposals on the AONB and Stour Valley. 4) The impacts of the proposals on the setting of the AONB, including cable sealing end compounds and pylons at a distance, but visible from the AONB. 5) The impacts of the proposal on the defined natural beauty and special qualities of the AONB namely: Landscape quality; Scenic quality; Relative wildness; Relative tranquillity; Natural heritage features; Cultural heritage. 6) The impact of the proposals on the defined special qualities of the nationally designated AONB, including health and wellbeing, community, economy (with particular reference to tourism) and ecosystems goods and services. It is worth noting the defined natural beauty and special qualities of the AONB are represented in the document: Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Natural Beauty and Special Qualities document at: [redacted] 7) How the scheme’s proposer has addressed its duty of regard to the purpose of the AONB as described in section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000). 8) The impact of the proposals on the ability of residents and visitors to enjoy the AONB and Stour Valley, its natural beauty and special qualities, for example public access and enjoyment of countryside. 9) The impact of the proposals on the local economy, including the agricultural industries. 10) The quality of and appropriateness of measures to avoid, mitigate and compensate for any negative impacts on the AONB and Stour Valley.