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Representation by Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council (Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council)

Date submitted
17 July 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils
  1. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council proposes measures to mitigate further the disruption to habitats and dwellings, particularly Hill Farm House at the northern end of Moat Lane. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council would recommend HAB drilling under Moat Lane to prevent the proposed removal and destruction of the protected lane and to protect the distinctive vegetation and elm verge. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council also recommends an extension of HDD drilling to the west and north near to pylon 4YLA003 to mitigate further the impact to Ansells. 2. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council objects strongly to the need for the two temporary access roads to the southeast of Lamarsh Village Hall and Daws Hall to avoid/minimise site traffic through Lamarsh village. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council recommends that the proposed access road to the south of pylon PCB80 is joined to the principal east-west access road along the 132kV corridor. This will ensure that no site traffic comes through Lamarsh Village, but instead is accessed from the B1508. The removal of pylons PCB80 and PCB81 can be achieved from the principal east-west temporary access road that joins the B1508. 3. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council is concerned about site construction traffic through the villages and along many of the surrounding lanes, many of which are ancient protected lanes. This particularly relates to traffic using the Twinstead road to the west of Daws Hall, Moat Lane and the Henny Back Road. 4. Programme – clarification and understanding the effect of scheduling of works on the Parishes and surrounding areas.