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Representation by Gestingthorpe Parish Council (Gestingthorpe Parish Council)

Date submitted
18 July 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Whilst the Parish Council fully support the need to facilitate the transmission of green energy within East Anglia we do have concerns regarding the impact that the proposed methods will have upon the region. Our principal concerns are as follows: We are concerned that the cumulative impact of this and other projects will adversely effect the rural and generally unspoilt nature of the North East Essex and South East Suffolk areas. We are also concerned that the project will contribute to the “industrialisation” of the region and that its unique and valuable nature will be lost so that future generations of visitors and residents will be unable to enjoy the significant amenity value that this region currently provides. We have further concerns that the project as currently proposed will have a negative effect on the well-being of residents both through loss of amenity and through anxiety regarding safety issues and the possible negative effects on their property. To reduce the impact of the proposed reinforcement the Parish Council suggest that the proportion of “under grounding” of new cables should be substantially increased (beyond that which is currently proposed) and that all pylons and infrastructure becoming redundant should be removed and that suitable reinstatement takes place. We respectfully request that our Representation is taken into account during the Examination of this Application.