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Representation by Natural England (Natural England)

Date submitted
18 July 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Natural England has submitted it's full Relevant Representations letter by email [see attached]. The following is a summary of Natural England’s Advice: Internationally designated sites • We advise that further information is required to ensure that the Stour and Orwell Estuaries Special Protection Area (SPA) and Stour and Orwell Estuaries Ramsar site, will not be affected by surface water and ground water quality changes. Nationally designated sites • There are potential impacts on both Hintlesham Woods SSSI ‘lowland mixed deciduous woodland’ and ‘breeding bird assemblages - mixed: scrub and woodland’ interest features. Further assessment and consideration of mitigation/compensation proposals is required. • Further information is required to assess potential construction impacts on ground and surface water that could result in habitat degradation of the interest features of Arger Fen SSSI. • The applicant should establish if there is any reliable data on the use of Little Blakenham Pits SSSI by barbastelle, and subsequently assess impacts of the scheme. Protected species • Further information is required before Natural England can issue a letter of no impediment (LONI) for dormouse. • Natural England has issued a LONI with caveats for bats and badger. Nationally designated landscapes • Further information is required to make a full assessment of the project’s effect on the special qualities of the AONB for both the construction and operational phases. • There are outstanding queries around 'the setting’ of the AONB. • Further information is required to provide clarity on the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) methodology. Soils and best and most versatile agricultural land • Natural England advises that further consideration is given to the survey work expected before construction work begins. • A Soil Management Plan (SMP) should be prepared, informed by a detailed soil survey. • The EIA has only considered the permanent land take from the cable sealing end (CSE) compounds and substation (3.18 ha). It has not considered the permanent access tracks nor land subject to temporary disturbance. • Areas not subject to a detailed ALC survey should be surveyed prior to construction to inform soil handling and restoration criteria.
