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Advice to TEP

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Date advice given
25 May 2013
Enquiry type

Consultants acting on behalf of the promoter for the Bramford to Twinstead Tee 400kV Connection proposal at the 'pre-application' stage, requested information from the Planning Inspectorate in relation to major developments and potential cumulative impacts as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process.

The Planning Inspectorate's response was by email.

Advice given

Thank you for your letter dated 22 April 2013 addressed to my colleague Mr Ridley.

Please note that on 1 April 2012, under the Localism Act 2011, the Planning Inspectorate became the executive agency for operating the planning process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP). However, the Planning Inspectorate is not the consenting authority as referred to in your letter. The Planning Inspectorate examines the application and makes a recommendation to the relevant Secretary of State, who as decision-maker grants or refuses development consent.

The Planning Inspectorate?s non-statutory Advice Note 9 does advise, as you state, that the developer consults the local planning authorities and other relevant authorities about the potential cumulative impacts with other major developments and recommends that you continue to engage with these authorities to help you identify relevant projects for inclusion within the cumulative assessment for the proposed development. The Planning Inspectorate recommends that you document any such discussions with these bodies, which may form part of your consultation report provided with the Development Consent Order application, and record in the Environmental Statement whether the finalised list of projects included within the cumulative assessment has been agreed with these authorities.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that their pre-application consultation fully accords with the requirements of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) (PA 2008) and associated regulations and guidance. As the Planning Inspectorate is not a prescribed consultation body under Regulation 2 of the relevant EIA Regulations 2009 (as amended), we are not able to provide you with the information requested. However, information about the NSIP projects identified in your letter will be available on the individual project webpages on the National Infrastructure Planning Portal website: