1. Section 51 advice
  2. Advice in detail

Advice to Sir Roger Gale MP

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Sir Roger Gale MP
Date advice given
25 January 2016
Enquiry type

Objection to National Grid's application and concern about the consultation process.

Advice given

Currently the Planning Inspectorate is assessing National Grid?s application against the tests set out in Section 55 of the Planning Act 2008. We will determine, on behalf of the Secretary of State, whether the application can be accepted by 11 February 2016. At this stage we are not considering the planning merits of the proposals, only whether the legal tests for acceptance have been met.

You mention the consultation process, which is relevant to our present deliberations. If you have concerns that the consultation process did not meet the standard required then please share these with your local planning authority. We have invited all local planning authorities to provide representations on the adequacy of consultation to us by 29 January 2016.

If the application is accepted for examination, you will be welcome to make representations about the substantive points that you raise in your letter. The examination process is set out on our website, at:


Your letter will be retained on file and made available to the acceptance decision maker.