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Representation by Guy Shepherd

Date submitted
22 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

If allowed I am concerned at the following: 1 - The noise from the substation in a particularly quiet area and its impact on the community and SDNPA from the transformers and cooling equipment. 2 - The aesthetics of what is expected to be a 26m high building and visible for miles around are a major concern. Can the building be lowered into the ground and the arisings be used for bunding and landscaping to improve aesthetics and shield some of the noise. a green roof such as Peacehaven Waste Water treatment plant are essential for a scheme like this. 3 - Substations are usually exempt from CIL as structures that 'people don't usually enter'. I expect that this plant will be manned 24/7 so would like to understand more about the CIL position and how this and S106 can be used to ensure that there is provision for off site mitigation of the impact of the plant.