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Representation by Mrs. Jane Carter

Date submitted
1 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the laying of the HV electricity cables within and outside the Portsmouth boundary as proposed by Aquind. There is a real danger of radiation from the cables up through the ground if these cables were to be operational. Farligton Avenue, inside Portsmouth's northern boundary, is a narrow residential road, with an infant school on one side, and a junior school on the other. There is naturally heavy footfall along Farlington Aveue's entire length. There is real risk of adverse effects of radiation to the children especially who walk along this road to and from school, as well as all other pedestrians. There is also danger to life to all the residents whose homes will only be feet away from the proposed cables due to radiation. One resident, who has an electrical spinal implant that can be overstimulated if she is to walk near any HV cables, is at the highest risk, especially as the cabling is proposed to be very close to her bungalow. Farlington Avenue is a busy road in and out of the city. If parts of this road are closed, it will have a serious affect on traffic and congestion on other routes for a long time. Blake Road, where I live, is a cul de sac off the blind bend half way up Farlington Avenue. Access to my home is a concern if the work was to come past Blake Road. Regarding closing parts of the Eastern Road in Portsmouth, if this were to happen, the whole of the city of Portsmouth would come to a standstill. This always happens if there is a road traffic accident within or outside the Portsmouth boundary. Thousands of people commute in and out of the city every day. Public transport is not available to many of us. Businesses will suffer, as people will avoid coming into the city. Livelihoods will be at risk. There will be more pollution due to increased vehicle emissions, as journeys will take much longer. The health of Portsmouth's citizens is at serious risk should any of the proposed work by Aquind be carried out. Portsmouth is the most congested city in the whole of the UK outside London. If Aquind's proposed work should go ahead, it would effectively shut down this city for several years due to the slow rate of laying the cables. JANE CARTER