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Representation by APLEAL Action Group (APLEAL Action Group)

Date submitted
11 February 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

APLEAL (Action to Protect the Living Environment Around Lovedean) is a community action group representing residents in Lovedean, where the proposed Aquind interconnector station will be located, and the nearby village of Denmead. We strongly object to the Aquind development proposal on the following grounds: 1. The loss of amenity for neighbours and the wider community who regularly use the footpaths and roads surrounding the interconnector site in terms of noise, disturbance and loss of open, far-reaching views. 2. The negative adverse visual impact the interconnector site will have on the landscape. This will not just be affecting those in the immediate area but by anyone enjoying views from the South Downs National Park, Portsdown Hill and Catherington Down. 3. The detrimental effect that the proposed development will have on the character of the local area – from one that is chiefly agricultural to one that is distinctly industrial. 4. The sheer size of the proposal is not in keeping with the existing environment, and the accumulative effect will have a dramatic impact on the potential overdevelopment of a rural area. 5. The generation of construction traffic that will be completely unsuitable for quiet, rural lanes and the significant safety implications for local drivers, cyclists, walkers and horse-riders. 6. The major traffic disruption that will take place on the road networks along the cable route. 7. The proposal does not guarantee any benefits to the local community, nor does it include any compensation or benefit scheme to the community affected by it.