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Representation by Denmead Parish Council (Denmead Parish Council )

Date submitted
14 February 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

General issues 1. No evidence is provided that this energy supply is in fact ‘green’. 2. The use of the fibre optic link for commercial purposes is against the regulations 3. Design Principles for National Infrastructures "places" principle says that infrastructure projects should seek to deliver a net biodiversity gain and enhance local culture and character "without being bound by the past". This project does not contribute to biodiversity nor does it provide any enhancement to local culture and character. The Location 4. All other interconnectors are in industrial locations, this is in the countryside. 5. The construction will create a brownfield site in the rural countryside adjacent to the National Park Local Community 6. This provides no local employment or training opportunities 7. There will be significant loss of trade for shops in Denmead which rely heavily on passing trade. 8. There has been a lack of consultation, with only one consultation session held for Public and this was not publicised to people of Denmead 9. Children walk or cycle to school along Hambledon Road, we are concerned for their safety during the roadworks. The Building 10. It states that the station will be decommissioned. There are no guarantees that the land will be restored to it’s former pristine state. 11. The building plans show that there is an area where waste will be sorted, there is no mitigation for the visual impact of this 12. The building will be surrounded by fencing but there are no details of the mitigation of the visual impact Ecological Concerns 13. The developer is asking for wide-ranging powers. The mitigation for ecological impact is insufficient with TPO trees and ancient hedgerows being impacted, the documentation states it is not feasible to replant mature trees. The cumulative impact of this project is likely to be significant in its detrimental impact to Denmead’s ecology 14. Landscaping will be used to ‘soften’ the appearance of the building but this is not being secured on a long-term basis. 15. One siting of the building requires the removal of ancient trees and hedgerow which is contrary to planning policy Traffic issues 16. The advised 60 second delay along Hambledon Road is incorrect. No traffic survey has been done. 17. Hambledon Road is the police ‘preferred alternative route’ where traffic is diverted from the M27, it is the key road for the Household Waste Recycling Centre 18. There is no detail on the location 15mx5m inspection pits of these or plans to access these 19. Denmead is largely on clay, the pipes generate heat which will cause clay shrinkage and thus long term damage to the roads and land under which they are laid. Compensation/Community Infrastructure Levy 20. This application is being treated on the same basis as a generating station but the same criteria are not being applied in terms of benefit to the community. Denmead will have the building for the next 40 years and should be compensated accordingly.