Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Victoria Campbell

Date submitted
18 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to the limited amount of consultation that residents who will be impacted by this cable's route have had. As I understand it, important final decisions have only been published in the last month, with no further consultation about the route. The planned route will be passing through heavily populated residential areas, very busy road junctions and nature reserves (Milton Common and Farlington Marshes). Surely there is a more sensible way to undertake this project? The proposed 66 weeks of disruption is also very concerning. As a city that has declared an air quality emergency, we cannot withstand having the levels of air pollution further raised due to the traffic congestion that this project will surely cause. I am also concerned about the effect that this project will have upon properties bordering the cable route, as well as the impact on the wildlife that we have in the area. It seems that neither Aquind or the government have been open and transparent about this project and I feel that it needs further consideration.