Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Trudy Farley

Date submitted
18 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This route is going right past our house and onto the eastern road. No explication as to the disruption expected has been advised to us in our residential area, and the route planned is already a busy one. We already have a lot of work due to start within the small vacinity of milton,which will cause disruption as it is, increasing pollution in an already highly polluted area. I am objecting to the aquind suggestion of work through Portsmouth. No clear information has been provided to us householders individually and in a way that advises the work that is expected around our properties. On top of this the work is due to go through a highley dense population with extreme pollution and due to go through one of our main route which would mean huge delays for a number of years not months. 66 wks has been quoted. We also in this time have other works due to be carries out at St james and kingston prison which is already due to have a major impact to our daily life. Surely we should be looking at sustainable electricity within our own country rather then importing from other countries.