Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Lynn Mills

Date submitted
18 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the AQUIND interconnector for various reasons. As a local resident I object to the way the whole process has been handled, we have only resently been made aware of the proposed route. Letters were sent out to elderly neighbours requesting private information and causing great concern. The route will take away our use of Brabsbury park and the allotments, we do not no if we will loose the use of ours.we have frogs toads and newt son our plot and slow worms all of these are protected species. It is inappropriate to disturb our wildlife. The disruption to the lives off Portsmouth residents will be intolerable we will be trapped in a crowded city with our main archery road dug up and disrupted for nearly a year . Why take a route through one of the most densely populated cities in the country an island city at that .Why when there are other locations that would ot affect so many why why why must we have this through our neighbourhood and city.We do not want or need this in our neighbourhood.We have been treated very. Shoddily by AQUIND and I object vigorously. I could go on and on with objection. I object to the way this has been handled and the process seems to difficult to object if you are not computer literate,it seems very ageist to prevent my generation objecting to something we do not want. Ian greatly worried about the health impact of this cable, do we no the effect of the magnetic field on health. A lot of the land has previously been used as land fill and unknown rubbish tipped much navel waste etc. What will be unearthed and what affect will it have on our lives. This forms part of my objection. ----------------------- I am an interested resident who wishes to object to the above. But firstly I wish to bring to your notice the complicated method of objecting I have registered and had notice that it had been forwarded but an hour before the closing time I still have not recieved an email to continue, this stricks me as a process that is designed to prevent local residents voiceing our opinions an older person that is not very computer literate I feel it is very unfair and many residents in my Road have found it to complicated to object. my first objection is it is totally inappropriate to bring this ashore in such a densely poputlated city . it could have gone onto Harlingen island d not disrupted the lives of the residents of Portsmouth. much of the proposed route through Milton has previously been used for tip,much of it naval waste.what polutant s will we be exposed to. the route across the allotments will destroy or pest the wildlife, on our allotment we have frogs toads and newts and sloworms have been sited. these are all protected species. it then continues through a nature reserve and again disturb wildlife when eventually it reaches the eastern Road it will cause mayor traffic problem on one of the 3 main arc heroes in the city causing extra pollution and disruption to our lives for up to a year are we to remain trapped in Milton for this length of time, it could bring a standstill to the city and mayor traffic jams it is then proposed to cross the water and go through Farlington Marses another protected site yet again disturbing wildlife Why why why do we have to endure this disruption for a private company and profits we should be looking to more sustainable energy . will there been an impact on the health on the people living in the near the underground cables no one is yet sure the effects of the magnetic fields. These are a few of my objections to the proposal I could go on but time is running out. because the initial registration form was completed I may have filled an objection in a box on the form. I am not sure is so apologies the whole process is no user friendly. Lynn Mills.