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Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Alison Gregory

Date submitted
19 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

For the attention of the consultation manager: I am trying to write to object to the Aquind project bringing electricity from France to England. First, I am opposed to this whole idea, as I believe we should be looking at green energy, such as solar panels. Secondly, as a local resident who will be impacted, I oppose for the many reasons already highlighted to you by others. It is documented the the grounds at Fraser Range are contaminated, yet you plan to expose this and potentially spread further ground contamination once this land is disturbed. Not to mention, the air pollution to our already densely populated city. And, Bransbury Park is common land for the people. Please sit and reflect how you would feel if your local neighbourhood were to ... • have your local park dug up, which is every well used by residents of all ages, at all times of the day (Bransbury Park). • have your local beach area disturbed and contaminated • have unnecessary construction on your doorstep • Loose precious green space • Have your allotment patch disturbed, which you had loved and tendered for years • have an unnecessarily created health risk for friends and family, as known contaminated land is disturbed during a needless project and will have a likelihood to affect the health of residents off all ages (this is documented as MoD land) • have unnecessary increased traffic congestion, causing increased high pollution levels, as the Eastern Road is a main artery out of our city • have the physical and mental health of your friends, family and neighbours unnecessarily affected adding further burden on our already stretched NHS I strongly oppose this work, and sincerely hope you will consider that our council and residents are against this. Should you really have to proceed, then why not Chunnel in the sea and bring the pipe up closer to land base along the coast to cause the least disruption to our precious green space and homes; also to minimise the impact on the mental and physical health of residents. Regards Ali Gregory