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Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Bernard Johnson

Date submitted
19 February 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

OBJECTION. 1. Our original contact with Aquind suggested that the site area would be about 3 Acres with a storage shed for batteries fed by one cable. this has now grown to 30 Acres with 70' high sheds and at leat 4 cables plus other communication cables. 2. Because of the strength of opposition, a second meeting was arranged and then promptly cancelled with the obvious purpose of excluding public debate. Decisions have since been made at Council level behind closed doors to exclude public debate. 3. This is a rural farming area and will have impact on the following: The impact on wildlife on the area's not been resolved, again no consultation . The health implications from the electro magnetic radiation to the people of the area through which the cables pass has not been explained - just ignored. The rain run-off from 30 Acres from the roofs will cause flooding. Again, no answers from Aquind. The present water/sewage infrastructure of Southern Water is unable to cope with the existing volume, without additional input causing more pollution. Massive disruption from cable laying to a very large area. Let alone the the proposed 90 lorries per day on the local B roads from the build of the facility. There has been little or no Public Information forthcoming from the local authorities, which I find to be suspicious. Many people I have spoken to are not even aware of the project. 4. We have been badly informed and deliberately misled over the impact of this proposal and find Aquind to be untrustworthy in their response to our objections. A very real concern that the project, if passed and the precedent set, that Aquind would seek yet further expansion. To Summarise A huge over development in a rural area and the proposer (Aquind) has been less than transparent with the local population, preventing us from knowing the full impact of the project.