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Representation by Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

Date submitted
19 February 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Dear Sirs, We have sent further details of our relevant representation in a letter as sent by email (to aquind@planning However, to summarise our position, we do not have any outstanding issues of significant concern, but there remain some matters that require clarification/consideration as follows: - Protection of sensitive groundwater at the site of the converter station at Lovedean (located in a Source Protection Zone 1 and public water supply). - Main river crossings along the cable route. - The impacts of offshore cable installation techniques on migratory fish. - The potential impacts of the project on European sites designated for nature conservation. - The potential impacts on freshwater and transitional waterbodies under the Water Framework Directive. - Potential impacts of the cable installation upon planned coastal flood defences. - Assessment of the impacts on marine water and sediment quality, Shellfish Waters and Bathing Waters. Please refer to our relevant representation letter dated 19 February 2020 for further details of the above. Thank you very much. Yours faithfully, Anna Rabone Sustainable Places Advisor Environment Agency
