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Representation by Southern Water Services Ltd (Southern Water Services Ltd)

Date submitted
19 February 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

SWS is the statutory sewerage undertaker for the area of the proposed development. SWS has apparatus and interests in land which is the subject of the proposed application. Me may provide a spreadsheet listing the SWS’s assets/easements in proximity to the proposed works, including approximate Grid references. The applicant will need to obtain copies of SWS’s records to ascertain the full extent of plant affected. The information and data contained on these drawings are copyright to SWS and are provided as a guide to the approximate position and details of the assets listed. SWS accepts no responsibility in the event of inaccuracy. The actual positions and details will need to be determined on site in all cases. Appropriate protective provisions will be required to ensure the protection of SWS’s assets and ensure that necessary provisions are in place to ensure that the apparatus can be maintained in perpetuity. Without such provisions the proposed application will have an unacceptable impact on SWS’s assets. We look forward to hearing from you in due course, ideally to agree protective provisions in advance of the submission of your application for a Development Consent Order. Correspondence relating to this response should be sent to the address shown in the footer of this document. The information and data contained on these drawings or supplied by any other means are copyright to Southern Water Services Ltd. and are provided as a guide to the approximated position and details of Southern Water Assets as listed above, but Southern Water Services Ltd. accepts no responsibility in the event of inaccuracy. This information must be treated with caution and the actual positions and details should be determined on site, in all cases. Southern Water Services Ltd. records will not necessarily record the location or show information associated with private sewers which may have become public sewers under the transfer of private sewers. Any sewers shown coloured yellow on the plans may be public highway drainage, culverted watercourses or private sewers and should be subject to Site Investigation to establish their ownership and function. Please note, the proposed development site lies within Source Protection Zone 1,2 and 3 as defined under the Environment Agency’s Groundwater Protection Policy. Southern Water will rely on your consultations with the Environment Agency to ensure the protection of the public water supply source. For any queries please contact us at