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Representation by Portsmouth City Council (Portsmouth City Council)

Date submitted
23 December 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, In line with the Examining Authority's request for deadline 6a of the examination, please find the representation on behalf of Portsmouth City Council in summary form set out below: PCC Representation in relation to the Additional Land sought by the Applicant [REP3-019]. PCC is responding to the consultation on proposed changes as set out in [REP3-019] in its capacity as Affected Person in respect of the following proposed changes: •Proposed Change D – removal of land from Order limits at Portsdown Hill Road; •Proposed Change E – removal of land from Order limits at Eastern Avenue; •Proposed Change G – removal of land from Order limits at Farlington Fields car park; •Proposed Change H – removal of land from Order limits over Baffins Milton Rovers F.C. football ground, Tudor Sailing Club and the PCC cricket field; •Proposed Change I – increase in land within Order limits at Baffins Milton Rovers F.C. football ground; •Proposed Change J - removal of land from Order limits at substation on Milton Common; •Proposed Change K - removal of land from Order limits at Longshore Way (9-29) and Locksway Road (10-07); •Proposed Change L - removal of land from Order limits at the entrance to the Thatched house Car Park (Eastern portion of 10-05); •Proposed Change M – removal of land in Order limits at Eastney and Milton Allotments; •Proposed Change O – rights changed from New Connection Works Rights to Temporary Use only (Plot -7-14 – Farlington Playing Fields car park) •Proposed Changed P – rights changed from New Connection Works Rights to Temporary Use only of land at Tudor Sailing Club boat yard. PCC welcomes the reduction in Order limits and encourages the Applicant to have further consideration on Order limits and the rights sought along the line of the Proposed Development. PCC requests that further refinements of the Order limits are undertaken to reduce further the Order limits, especially over Special Category Land, areas of allotment and highway land. Where the Applicant is seeking to increase the Order limits, at Baffins Milton Rovers F.C.’s ground, PCC understands this is in response to engagement with Baffins Milton Rovers F.C., the occupier of the land and tenant to PCC. Therefore, PCC supports the proposed change as it mitigates impacts on the occupier, but PCC maintains that any private treaty agreement reached with the Applicant for the rights sought will be subject to both PCC tenants and PCC as freehold owner. It is PCC’s hope that the Applicant continues to work with PCC tenants to mitigate the impacts of the Proposed Development. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Tom Southall Assistant Director Property & Investment