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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
11 January 2021
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Dear Sir/Madam AQUIND Interconnector – notice of compulsory acquisition for additional land AQUIND letter Reference: 62100616-CA-CON7-2426187 Our Registration ID: 20025047 We hereby acknowledge receipt of the letter and accompanying map received from Mr Richard Glasspool (Director – AQUIND Interconnector), dated 21 December 2020. We understand from the letter sent to us (as referenced above) that the Applicant is seeking amendment to the application submitted for examination to the Planning Inspectorate (as referenced above). We are aware that the amendment addresses land removed from the proposed Order limits and two additional areas of land that are proposed to be added to the Order limits, as identified within paragraph 3 of letter received, as dated above. In reference to Historic England’s duties and responsibilities we hereby confirm that we have no specific advice or any other comment to offer regarding this matter. Yours faithfully, Iain Bright Inspector of Ancient Monuments