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Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Patrick A Whittle

Date submitted
11 January 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 AQUIND Interconnector Development Consent Order – Planning Inspectorate Case Ref.: EN020022 Request for changes to the Order limits, including additional woodland. (my reference AQUI-001) Objection is made to the acquisition of an area of woodland, plus a private track, of an area equivalent to three football pitches. The loss of Mill Copse and Stoneacre Copse, and the adjacent track, would have a detrimental effect on the wildlife in that environment. The addition of this late request is a clear further indication of the lack of fore-thought in the planning of this project, which had already been exemplified in the chosen cable route and location of an interconnector. The publication of the application during the festive season is also regrettable as many residents will have missed it.