Cynrychiolaeth gan Winchester City Council (Winchester City Council ) ar ran Winchester City Council (Winchester City Council)
- Dyddiad cyflwyno
- 27 Ionawr 2021
- Cyflwynwyd gan
- Local authorities
Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Winchester City Council was one of the parties who raised the implications of ash dieback on the landscape features that are being relied upon to screen the proposal within the surrounding landscape. Accordingly, the Council welcomes the applicants attention to this matter and the written submissions and proposals that are intended to address the concern. The Council does not raise any concerns over the procedural steps undertaken to add the additional woodlands to the Order Limits. The Council does have a small number of comments to make 1 WCC notes that part of the proposed management strategy to address ash dieback at Mill Copse includes the planting of a tree belt off the southern edge of the woodland in what is current an agricultural field. However, this strip of ground does not form part of the revised Order Limits and the question is asked how can its planting and future management be secured? 2 There is uncertainty if the New Landscape Rights (NLR) that would be apply to both woodland areas includes the necessary measures to protect any new planting from deer grazing. This may require extensive fencing and it is unclear if the current wording of the NLR covers this. 3 Stoneacre Copse is an ancient woodland and the need to balance any maintenance of its value as a landscape screen should not forget its original designation which is based on its biodiversity value.