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Back to list AQUIND Interconnector

Representation by Tracey Jones

Date submitted
28 January 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Deadline 7a Submission - In relation to the Applicant's Change Request 2 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to protest over the Aquind companies bid to gain rights over two woodlands in Lovedean. I am against the whole Aquind project as it will seriously affect the city of Portsmouth and the green spaces there and then all the other areas where the cables will be laid. I am also against the buildings which Aquind want to build at Lovedean and the impact on people and the environment there. I am protesting against the bid to gain rights over the woodlands at Lovedean as green spaces are so important... more now than ever with the effects of climate change, pollution, habitat loss etc all having an impact on our own health and all of nature. I am really concerned about the bid to gain rights over these two woodlands, i am concerned that this will result in the loss of trees and habitats for wildlife even though the company is saying they will protect the woodland. Once the company has rights over the land then they will be able to do anything to it and can quite easily go back on any promises and guarantees made at the start. I cannot stress enough how important woodlands are to people and to wildlife and to our environment, it is so important to protect them. I am very concerned they will not be protected if Aquind is allowed to have the rights over these woodlands. Yours sincerely Tracey