
All project updates

12 June 2024

On 11 June 2024, the Secretary of State issued a Correction Notice (PDF, 134KB) and Correction Order (PDF, 103KB) to make corrections to the National Grid (Yorkshire Green Energy Enablement

Project) Development Consent Order 2024.

The Correction Order will come into force on 12 June 2024.

14 March 2024

The Secretary of State has granted consent for this application.

Information can be found in these documents:

4 March 2024

The responses to the Secretary of State's invitation to Interested Parties to comment on the information provided in response to her letter of 16 January 2024 have been published.

2 February 2024

The responses to the Secretary of State's letter of 16 January 2024 have been published.

The Secretary of State has invited Interested Parties to comment on the information provided in response to her letter of 16 January 2024 (PDF, 143 KB).

Comments should be submitted by email to

The deadline for comments is 23.59 on 1 March 2024.

17 January 2024

The Secretary of State has issued a letter dated 16 January 2024 (PDF, 143KB) to the Applicant and other parties, requesting information. The deadline for response is 23:59 on 30 January 2024.

14 December 2023

Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate

15 September 2023

The Examining Authority’s notification of the completion of the Examination (PDF, 133KB) has been published.

14 September 2023

The Deadline 8 submissions have now been published

The Examination Library (PDF, 747KB) has been updated.

11 September 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

Deadline 8 (Wednesday 13 September) is the final opportunity for submissions.

16 August 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examining Authority’s commentary and questions on the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) (PDF 361 KB).

The Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (PDF 338 KB).

All parties are welcome to comment by Deadline 7: Wednesday 6 September 2023.

Parties are reminded that the ExA may close the Examination before the end of the statutory six month period if it is satisfied that all relevant matters have been addressed. Deadline 8 is the final opportunity for submissions.

7 August 2023

The Examining Authority has used their discretion to accept Additional Submissions from North Yorkshire Council (PDF, 207 KB), Weightmans LLP on behalf of National Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc and Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc (PDF, 62 KB) and Natural England (PDF, 165 KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 697 KB) has been updated.

1 August 2023

The Deadline 6 submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 696KB) has been updated.

19 July 2023

The time reserved for the continuation of Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) on Thursday 20 July 2023 has been cancelled as it is no longer required.

The following documents have now been published:

Additional Submission from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority  (PDF, 304 KB).

Action points for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (PDF, 104 KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 1 MB) has been updated.

Recordings, transcripts and remaining action points for the events during the week commencing 17 July 2023 will be published as soon as practicable.

19 July 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) on the Draft Development Consent Order and Environmental Matters (PDF, 191 KB), which takes place on the 19 and (if required) 20 July 2023.

Anyone wishing to attend the hearing who has not yet registered to attend should contact the Case Team by emailing

Anyone who wishes to observe the hearings in real time should use the livestream link. Please note that the events will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

Recordings, transcripts and action points for the events during the week commencing 17 July 2023 will be published as soon as practicable.

18 July 2023

The Examining Authority has used their discretion to accept an Additional Submission from National Gas Transmission plc (pdf, 61KB). The Examination Library (pdf, 618KB) has been updated.

14 July 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the following events, which take place on the 18, 19 and 20 July 2023:

Anyone wishing to attend the hearings who has not yet registered to attend should contact the Case Team by emailing

Anyone who wishes to observe the hearings in real time should use the livestream link. Please note that the events will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

13 July 2023

The Examining Authority's Rule 8(3) and Rule 9 letter (PDF, 185KB) has been published. This gives details of the Procedural Decision and changes to the Examination Timetable in response to the Applicant's Change Application.

The Examination Library (PDF, 533KB) and Examination Timetable have been updated.

13 July 2023

The Deadline 5 submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

5 July 2023

The following have now been published:

Should any parties wish to register to attend the hearings, please contact the case team via email:

4 July 2023

The following has now been published:

The agenda for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) on Compulsory Acquisition and Temporary Possession Matters (PDF, 209 KB).

Should any parties wish to register to attend the hearing, please contact the case team via email:

27 June 2023

The Applicant has submitted a letter to clarify (PDF, 190 KB) their approach to submission of their proposed Change Application.

22 June 2023

The Examining Authority’s response (PDF, 108KB) to the Applicant’s notice of intention (PDF, 3 MB) to submit a request for changes to the application has been published.

20 June 2023

The Examining Authority's Further Written Questions (PDF, 526KB)  have been published.

The Applicant has submitted a Notification of Request for Proposed Changes (PDF, 3MB)

20 June 2023

The Notification of Hearings (Rule 13 letter) (PDF, 164 KB) has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 528 KB) has been updated.

13 June 2023

The Examination Library (PDF, 528KB) has been updated with Deadline 4 submissions.

8 June 2023

The Deadline 4 submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

31 May 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library (PDF 478 KB) has been updated.

30 May 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

The remaining action points for hearings during the week commencing 22 May 2023 will be published as soon as possible.

30 May 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

The remaining recordings, transcripts and action points for hearings during the week commencing 22 May 2023 will be published as soon as possible.

26 May 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

The remaining recordings, transcripts and action points for hearings during the week commencing 22 May 2023 will be published as soon as possible.

22 May 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the following events, which take place on the 24, 25 and 26 May 2023:

Anyone wishing to attend the hearings who has not yet registered to attend should contact the Case Team by emailing

Anyone who wishes to observe the hearings in real time should use the livestream link: Please note that the events will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

12 May 2023

The Deadline 3 submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

4 May 2023

The Deadline 2 submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 429KB) has been updated.

2 May 2023

The Deadline 2 submissions have now been published. The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

25 April 2023

The Notification of Hearings and Notification of Accompanied Site Inspection (Rule 13 and 16 letter) (PDF, 178 KB) has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 347 KB) has been updated.

17 April 2023

The Deadline 1 Submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 347KB) has been updated.

6 April 2023

The Deadline 1 Submissions have now been published.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

29 March 2023

The following documents have been published:

The Examination Library (PDF, 285KB) has been updated.

29 March 2023

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

28 March 2023

The following have now been published:

The Examination Library (PDF, 294 KB) is updated.

24 March 2023

The following have now been published:

Recordings and transcripts for Issue Specific Hearing 1 will be published as soon as possible.

The Planning Inspectorate has also published s51 advice to the Applicant, in response to new environmental information received on 16 March 2023.

22 March 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Preliminary Meeting (PM) (PDF, 578 KB), Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) (PDF, 127 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 167 KB), which take place on the 22 and 23 March 2023.

Anyone wishing to attend the hearing who has not yet registered to attend should contact the Case Team by emailing

Anyone who wishes to observe the PM in real time should use the livestream link. Please note that the event will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

Notification of an amendment to the appointment of the Examining Authority (PDF, 186 KB) has been published and the Examination Library (PDF, 281 KB) has been updated.

22 March 2023

Preliminary Meeting takes place

22 March 2023

Examination begins

17 March 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Preliminary Meeting (PM) (PDF, 578 KB), Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) (PDF, 127 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 167 KB), which take place on the 22 and 23 March 2023.

Anyone wishing to attend the hearing who has not yet registered to attend should contact the Case Team by emailing

Anyone who wishes to observe the PM in real time should use the livestream link. Please note that the event will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

A Notification of an amendment to the appointment of the Examining Authority (PDF, 186 KB) has been published and the Examination Library (PDF, 281 KB) has been updated.

10 March 2023

The following documents have now been published:

Anyone wishing to attend the hearing should contact the Case Team by emailing

2 March 2023

The Examining Authority’s Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) on the Scope of the Proposed Development and draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 167 KB) has been published.

The Agenda includes a list of the documents that may be referred to during the hearing. Parties should confirm attendance by Procedural Deadline A, Wednesday 8 March 2023.

The Examination Library (PDF, 235 KB) has been updated.

22 February 2023

Relevant representations published on the website

22 February 2023

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

21 February 2023

The Examining Authority has accepted a number of Additional Submissions from the Applicant, some of which are in response to s51 advice (PDF, 143KB) issued post-Acceptance.

14 February 2023

The note of the Examining Authority’s Unaccompanied Site Inspection on 7 and 8 February 2023 (PDF, 133 KB) has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 215 KB) has been updated.

13 February 2023

Registration of interested parties closes

19 January 2023

Register online

You can now register as an Interested Party

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form.

The Applicant has informed the Planning Inspectorate that some persons with a legal interest in the land affected by the Proposed Development had not received the notification of the accepted application, due to various reasons, and were therefore not made aware of the period within which they could make a Relevant Representation. The Applicant has now notified the omitted persons who have been allowed further time to make Relevant Representations. If you are a person that has received the Applicant's notification dated 17 January 2023 (PDF, 3699 KB) and need assistance making a Relevant Representation, please contact us at or 0303 444 5000.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project

5 January 2023

Registration of interested parties begins

8 December 2022

The application has been accepted for examination

15 November 2022

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate