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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

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Cyngor i Mineral Products Association

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Mineral Products Association
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
3 Chwefror 2015
Math o ymholiad

We are currently working on a rebuttal of National Grid's Minerals Report and on the Statement of Common Ground. My team wanted me to check with the Inspector whether we have to have this rebuttal with the Inspector by the hearing date of 4th February, or whether we can wait until nearer the next deadline? The Minerals Report is a lengthy document and we need to take time to be sure of our response. In any event the Inspector requested that certain evidence that was mentioned on the site visit should be made available at the hearing and we are working towards that.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Thank you for your email.

Should you decide to submit your rebuttal for tomorrow?s hearing it is likely that the said document will not be able to be fully considered by the ExA or the applicant. Therefore it is likely that the applicant would be unable to respond to it at the hearing itself.

If you feel that you need to take time to be sure of your response, I would advise you consider submitting your rebuttal to the ExA for deadline 3 (17 February 2015); the applicant would then have the opportunity to respond, should they wish, by deadline 4 (4 March 2015).

Another option you may wish to consider is to raise those points you intend to include in your rebuttal verbally to the ExA at the hearing; the above scenario could then apply and you would have the opportunity to submit your rebuttal for deadline 3 (17 February 2015) as a written summary of an oral case made at a hearing.

If you have any further questions please get in touch.