
All project updates

28 June 2024

The following have now been published:

Recordings and transcripts for Open Floor Hearing 1

Recordings, transcripts and action points for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2

The Examining Authority has also used its discretion to accept an Additional Submission from David Spilman (PDF, 706 KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 568 KB) has been updated.

26 June 2024

The Examining Authority has used it’s discretion to accept an Additional Submission from DLA Piper on behalf of National Gas Transmission (PDF, 917 KB)

21 June 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the following events virtually or at the venue:

The Agendas includes a list of speakers for the hearings.

You can also observe these events online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

20 June 2024

The Examining Authority (ExA) has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:

PD Port Services Limited (166 KB)

Brian Mager Limited (118 KB)

The Robinson Preston Family (119 KB)

The ExA has also accepted various Additional Submissions from the Applicant relating to a request to make changes to the Development Consent Order application (PDF, 122 KB).

Please note that the publication of the Applicant's change request letter and the supplementary information referred to therein does not indicate that the proposed change has been accepted for examination by the Examining Authority.

The ExA has published a amended Accompanied Site Inspection itinerary (175 KB) for Wednesday 26 June 2024. Please note this has been amended due to changes in parking arrangements for Inspection Point H.

17 June 2024

The Applicant has submitted a notification of proposed application for a change (PDF, 160KB), to which the Examining Authority has issued an initial response (PDF, 95.91 KB).

The following has also been published:

The Agendas includes a list of speakers for the hearings.

The Examination Library (PDF 537KB) has been updated.

14 June 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission from the Applicant which is a notification of proposed application for changes (PDF 160KB).

The following has also been published:

The Agendas includes a list of speakers for the hearings.

The Examination Library (PDF 534KB) has been updated.

12 June 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 3 have been published.

The Examination Library will be updated soon.

24 May 2024

The Examining Authority has published the itinerary for the Accompanied Site Inspection on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

View the itinerary. (PDF, 2MB)

The Examining Authority has also published a request for further information from the Applicant.

The deadline for them to respond is Deadline 3 (Tuesday 11 June 2024).

View the request. (PDF, 178KB)

21 May 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 2 have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 496KB) has been updated.

15 May 2024

The Examining Authority has published its decision (PDF, 137KB) on the S102A request made by Masons Rural on behalf of The Forman Family.

10 May 2024

The Examining Authority’s notification of Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) 25 June

2024, Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) 25 June 2024 and an invitation to register interest in

attending the Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) 26 June 2024 has been issued.

View the hearing notification letter.

The Examination Library (PDF 459 KB) has been updated.

8 May 2024

The Examining Authority has published a request for further information from Chrysaor Production (UK) Limited and National Gas Transmissions.

View the request

2 May 2024

The Examining Authority has published its Procedural decision regarding request to become an Interested Party by L J Fairburn & Son Ltd and has exercised its discretion to accept additional submissions.

The submissions come from:

· The Shareholders of J W Needham Ltd (PDF, 241KB)

· The Needham-Teanby Family (PDF, 239KB)

· The Partners of J W Needham and Co (PDF, 241KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 459KB) has been updated.

30 April 2024

All the submissions for Deadline 1 have been published.

The examination library will be updated soon.

3 April 2024

The examination timetable (‘Rule 8 letter’) has been sent to all parties.

View the Rule 8 letter (PDF, 307KB)

This includes information on the examination process, procedural decisions following the preliminary meeting and the Examining Authority’s written questions (PDF, 673KB). It also includes the Examining Authority’s Procedural Decision to accept the Applicant's request to make changes to the application (PDF, 303KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 357KB) has been updated.

28 March 2024

The following documents have now been published:

· Recording and transcript of the Preliminary Meeting

· Preliminary Meeting note (PDF, 113KB)

· Recordings and transcripts of the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1)

· Examining Authority's action points for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF,136.55KB)

· Recordings and transcripts for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)

· Examining Authority's action points for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF,135KB)

The Examination Library (PDF, 349KB) has been updated.

26 March 2024

The preliminary meeting took place on 26 March 2024.

The examination stage began following the close of the preliminary meeting.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept additional submissions.

The submission comes from:

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the following events virtually or at the venue:

You can also observe these events online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

26 March 2024

The preliminary meeting took place on 26 March 2024.

The examination stage began following the close of the preliminary meeting.

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the following events virtually or at the venue:

Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (PDF, 132KB) on Wednesday 27 March 2024 am

Issue Specific Hearing 1 (PDF, 126KB) on Wednesday 27 March 2024 pm

You can also observe these events online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

22 March 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the following events virtually or at the venue:

Preliminary Meeting (PDF, 393KB) Tuesday 26 March 2024

Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (PDF, 132KB) on Wednesday 27 March 2024 am

Issue Specific Hearing 1 (PDF, 126KB) on Wednesday 27 March 2024 pm

You can also observe these events online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

20 March 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept various Additional Submissions from the Applicant relating to a request to make changes to the Development Consent Order application (PDF, 303 KB).

Please note that the publication of the Applicant's change request letter and the supplementary information referred to therein does not indicate that the proposed change has been accepted for examination by the Examining Authority.

The Examination Library (PDF, 345 KB) has been updated.

19 March 2024

All the submissions for Procedural Deadline A have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 331KB) has been updated.

29 February 2024

The Applicant has submitted a notification of proposed application for a change (PDF, 126KB), to which the Examining Authority has issued an initial response (PDF, 130KB).

The Notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) (PDF, 393KB) has been sent. The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 126KB) and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF, 132KB) have also been published.

To register to attend any of the events week commencing 25 March 2024, please fill in this form:

We have been made aware that the notification to register to have your say did not go to everyone it should have. Those people have now been notified.

If you are one of those people and you want to register to have your say, contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000 and we can supply you with the registration form. The completed registration form must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Monday 18 March 2024.

The Examination Library (PDF, 325KB) has been updated

15 February 2024

The Notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) (PDF, 393KB) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 126KB) and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (PDF, 132KB) have also been published.

To register to attend any of the events week commencing 25 March 2024, please fill in this form:

We have been made aware that the notification to register to have your say did not go to everyone it should have. Those people have now been notified.

If you are one of those people and you want to register to have your say, contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000 and we can supply you with the registration form. The completed registration form must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Monday 18 March 2024.

The Examination Library (PDF, 330KB) has been updated.

15 February 2024

The Examining Authority has published its decision (PDF, 98KB) on the S102A request made by Imai Solar Power Limited.

The Inspectorate has published an Additional Submission (PDF, 879KB) from David Spilman, alerting to a publication error with his original Relevant Representation.

The Examination Library (PDF, 319KB) will be updated as soon as practicable.

12 February 2024

The Examining Authority made an unaccompanied site inspection on 6 February 2024.

View the note of the inspection (PDF, 119KB)

23 January 2024

Relevant Representations have now been published.

The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept a number of Additional Submissions.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

16 January 2024

The 'register to have your say' period has now closed.

1 December 2023

You can now register as an Interested Party

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

The Examining Authorities Rule 9 letter (PDF, 189KB) notifying of Procedural Decisions has been published.

The Applicants Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for Archaeological Evaluation (PDF, 40MB), which supersedes APP-091, has been published.

17 November 2023

The application has been accepted for examination

24 October 2023

This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 23 October 2023.

The application documents will be made available on the project page of this website if the application is accepted for examination.

It is for the Applicant to decide whether or not application documents can be published upon submission (see government's Planning Act 2008: guidance on the Pre-application process).

23 October 2023

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate