Representation by Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of Centrica PLC (Centrica PLC)
- Date submitted
- 11 January 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
To whom it may concern, Viking CCS Pipeline consultation response relating to the Easington-Immingham Condensate Pipeline, prepared by Strutt & Parker on behalf of Centrica. Strutt & Parker acts on behalf of Centrica, owner of British Gas Limited and Centrica Energy Storage Limited (CES+), on planning matters. On 22nd November 2023 Centrica received a notice that an application for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) had been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 for the Viking CCS Pipeline. Upon reviewing the Viking CCS Pipeline documents, it has come to our attention that Centrica owns an asset – the CES+ Condensate pipeline which runs between Easington and Immingham, and is located in the immediate vicinity and apparently within the red line boundary of the proposed Viking CCS Pipeline; specifically nearby the proposed ‘Immingham Facility’ in Section 1, as referred to in the application documents. The CES+ Condensate pipeline is located under or immediately adjacent to Rosper Road, at the western boundary of the proposed Immingham Facility site. In the first instance we are concerned to (a) ensure that Harbour Energy are aware of the existence of the condensate pipeline, (b) establish whether there is any potential conflict between the planned Viking CCS Pipeline and the existing CES+ Condensate pipeline, and (c) establish the necessary processes to ensure that the proposed Viking CCS Pipeline and associated works are able to be implemented safely and without undue disruption to the Condensate pipeline. Prior to any works being undertaken, and to identify any underground services, the planning details for the Viking CCS pipeline route should be submitted through Home - LinesearchbeforeUdig (, this will identify the CES+ pipeline and any other assets in the vicinity. Once the scope of works has been assessed, it will be determined if the CES+ pipeline route needs to be positively identified at site, or have close supervision by a Penspen Pipelines Superintendent to ensure works are carried out in accordance with HSG47 – Avoiding danger from underground services. We would be interested to establish direct contact with Harbour Energy to discuss the matters raised above. We also wish to be kept informed of all developments regarding the Immingham Facility going forward. Yours sincerely, Edward Watson BA (hons) MSc MRTPI AIEMA Town Planner Strutt & Parker We have also submitted this representation directly to the project team via the email address provided.