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Representation by DDM Agriculture (DDM Agriculture) on behalf of Grainsby Farms Limited (Grainsby Farms Limited)

Date submitted
14 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Agreement on unfarmable severed areas; 2. Management of severed land; 3. Control of (injurious) weeds on stored soils; 4. Maintaining on-going water supplies to residential premises; 5. Confirmation that the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will preclude any construction traffic going through Grainsby from the A.16 or from the pipeline spread to the A16; 6. The TMP will prohibit access down Grainsby Lane from the A.18 to the pipeline spread, other than allowing a small number of LGVs and cars; 7. Initial minimum public liability insurance of not less than £10,000,000; 8. A minimum depth of pipeline cover of not less than 1.20 metres; 9. Protection of rights to install future infrastructure and/or services across the pipeline easement; 10. Security provisions to prevent unauthorised access to private property via the pipeline spread; 11. Agreement over temporary amendments to Public Rights of Way during construction works; 12. Provision of specific methods of working for all aspects of construction; 13. Agreement of all access points onto the pipeline spread; 14. Confirmation that there will be no Temporary Construction Compounds (TCC) on our property; 15. Confirmation that construction and reinstatement works will only take place when ground conditions are appropriate; 16. Pre- and post-construction drainage works will be agreed prior to first entry for construction; 17. Pre-construction drainage works will be implemented prior to first entry for construction works; 18. Agreement as to detailed boundaries of the proposed Block Valve (BV) site on our property, including possible curvature of southern corner(s); 19. Review of the most appropriate access to the BV site during construction; 20. The location of the BV site must not be so close to the existing farm track that it precludes the free movement of wide agricultural machinery; 21. Confirmation that the BV will have its own independent access from the public highway; 22. Confirmation that the Lease will be surrendered when/if the pipeline is no longer required for the transmission of carbon dioxide; and 23. Confirmation that reinstatement of the proposed Block Valve site will return the property to the same condition as shown in the pre-entry Record of Condition.