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Representation by DDM Agriculture Ltd (DDM Agriculture Ltd) on behalf of Aylesby Manor Farms Limited (Aylesby Manor Farms Limited)

Date submitted
15 January 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• No attempt to meet to discuss commercial terms whatsoever and a lack of meaningful consultation with the landowners and their agents. • No attempt to discuss a methodology for the pipeline construction with the landowner. • No attempt since 14th February 2023 has taken place to consult the landowner on their proposed future alternative development over land affected by the proposed pipeline corridor, and no clarity on the compensation provision has been provided to the landowner. • No attempt to negotiate a development clause, to mitigate a potential loss of income, leading to concerns of statutory blight. • A lack of integrity by the acquiring authority on the width of the option area corridor, construction width, depth, and timeframes of the pipeline. • No consultation regarding the implementation of a haul road or means to work over differing land types during the construction period, in line with Soil Association and AHDB guidance for construction sites. • No consultation on land drainage, and mitigation for potential contamination of a large pond area containing protected species. • No consultation on the loss of income from diversification, environmental schemes/shoots etc. • Lack of integrity/disingenuous conversations regarding the option area, a 100m option corridor was never mentioned and it was proposed that instead 10m would be suitable due to proposed suitable alternative development. • Block valve – location of it is not the location the landowner was informed it would be, potential loss of land and sterilized land around it which can no longer be farmed, what are the terms on offer and what is the basis of valuation for this item? No attempt to provide any information to the landowner beyond indicative location. • The landowner has expressed a willingness to work with the acquiring authority but is not being listened to or kept informed on progress of the scheme, considering the proposed route corridor affects the family considerably across their landownership. An option area consisting of approximately 78 Acres of is currently the subject of negotiation and this goes through the center of several fields and the heart of the farm. • S.42 Planning Act 2008 Duty to Consult – this obligation has not been met. There has not been a reasonable level of engagement as is required by the Planning Act.