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Advice to Philip Martin

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Philip Martin
Date advice given
16 April 2012
Enquiry type

Please find attached my response to the public consultation on A556 environmental improvement scheme, which details why I believe the current consultation to have been unfair and flawed, and why I believe it should be withdrawn.

Advice given

Your comments have been noted and will remain on our file.

Please note that the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) was abolished and on 1 April 2012 its functions were transferred to The Planning Inspectorate. I was the Case Manager for the proposal whilst at the IPC and I remain as the Case Manager within The Planning Inspectorate.

This proposal is currently at the pre-application stage. As you are aware the Highways Agency is currently consulting with local communities and prescribed consultees on their proposal in accordance with the duties which the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) places upon them. I am unsure as to whether you have responded directly to the Highways Agency with your comments, you may wish to do so because the Highways Agency will be under a duty to take account of relevant responses. As you are aware, the Highways Agency consultation closes today.

As your letter raises concerns with the consultation being carried out you may also wish to send a copy of your correspondence to the relevant local authority for this area. When the application is submitted to The Planning Inspectorate, local authority consultees will be invited to provide their comments on the adequacy of the developer?s consultation. Following the submission of the application, a decision will be made within 28 days as to whether the application can be accepted for examination.

If the application is accepted for examination, there will be the opportunity to register your views with The Planning Inspectorate and participate in the examination by completing a relevant representation form. Details about how and when to register will be publicised by the developer. Please note that you are unable to register as an interested party during the current (pre-application) stage of the process for this proposal.

Further information about how to participate in the application process can be found in our advice notes. I have attached links below to two advice notes which may be of particular interest:

?Advice Note 8.1: How the process works? http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Advice-note-8.1v4.pdf

?Advice Note 8.2: Responding to the developers pre-application consultation? http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Advice-note-8.2.pdf


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