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Advice to Lillian Burns

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Lillian Burns
Date advice given
18 February 2011
Enquiry type

The following enquiry was received regarding the Highways Agency Knutsford to Bowdon proposal: Please let me know the earliest stage that I can send you a submission objecting to this Highways Agency proposal and kindly ensure that I am sent all relevant notifications and invitations relating to the scheme.

Advice given

The regime under the Planning Act 2008 is intended to be frontloaded and you are therefore strongly encouraged to contact the applicant with your views at the pre-application stage prior to the submission of their application to the IPC. Once the application has been submitted (and if it is accepted by the IPC), you will have the opportunity to register as an interested party, making an initial relevant representation to the IPC. As an interested party you will then be kept informed of the process and when to make further written representations to the IPC.

We have recently published advice notes which will explain the above procedures in greater detail, please see the following links to the IPC website:

Advice note 8.1 How the process works - opportunities to be involved

Advice note 8.2 How to have your say on a major infrastructure proposal - the developer's consultation

Advice note 8.3 Putting your case to the IPC - how to register and make a written representation

Further Advice Notes are also available on the following link: