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Advice to Highways Agency

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Highways Agency
Date advice given
25 March 2010
Enquiry type

A draft prescribed consultee list for this proposal was requested.

Advice given

The IPC compiled a draft list of statutory consultees in accordance with Schedule 1 of The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 (APFP Regulations 2009) based on the information provided to date. This list will remain in draft until a scoping opinion request and further information, including a red line boundary, with the scoping report is received.

Applicants are required to consult the bodies listed in Schedule 1 of the APFP Regulations 2009 when undertaking pre-application consultation in accordance with section 42(a) of the Planning Act 2008, along with the other bodies or persons listed in section 42. When meeting statutory pre-application obligations under section 42, applicants will need to make their own inquiries and carry out site investigations. The IPC would expect applicants however to explain where there were any differences in the consultation bodies identified in Schedule 1 of the APFP Regulations 2009.