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Advice to Transport Solutions for L&M

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Transport Solutions for L&M
Date advice given
18 October 2011
Enquiry type

Transport Solutions for Lancaster & Morecombe wrote to the IPC seeking clarification on a section of the note for the meeting on 17 August 2011 that was held between the IPC case team, Lancashire County Council (as promoter), Lancashire County Council (as consultee) and Lancaster City Council.

Our reply was by post.

Advice given

Thank you for your letter.

The IPC believes that the published note for the Heysham to M6 Link Road meeting held on the 17 August 2011 is a fair and accurate representation of the comments made by attendees as well as advice given under s.51 of the Planning Act 2008.

As previously stated, a draft of the note is circulated to attendees to allow for further comments and to agree accuracy before it is published. It is not the policy of the IPC to retrospectively amend a meeting note with additional information after it has been finalised, as this would distort the purpose of the note which is to record a summary of information given by attendees at the time.

The matter raised by us at the meeting and which you followed up relates to a previous scheme. It was raised to help us understand the planning history and in that respect your letter to us is helpful. However, in respect of the potential application, it will be for Lancaster City Council and any individual members to consider the content of any representations both to the applicant at the pre-application stage and, should an application be accepted for examination, to the IPC. Those representations should be on the current proposed scheme as defined in the consultation material at pre-application stage and the defined development in any application.

Outside of the issues relevant to the proposed scheme as set out in the application documents and consultation, it is for Lancaster City Council to decide how they should explain their position to stakeholders on the previous (non-IPC) application. However, as we are an impartial and independent body we cannot respond on behalf of parties for alleged falsehoods they may have made. Please do therefore continue to correspond directly on this issue with Lancaster City Council.

In the interests of openness I will advise Lancaster City Council of the correspondence we have received from you.