Cyngor i Mike Dickinson
Yn ôl i'r rhestrYmholiad
- Oddiwrth
- Mike Dickinson
- Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
- 27 Hydref 2011
- Math o ymholiad
- Phone
The IPC received a telephone enquiry from a stakeholder in regard to the Heysham to M6 Link Road proposal currently at the pre-application stage, asking if Morecambe Town Council would be registered as an interested party for the purposes of the application process.
Our response was by email.
Cyngor a roddwyd
Thank you for your telephone enquiry to the IPC, asking if Morecambe Town Council will be registered as an interested party for the proposed Heysham to M6 Link Road application and whether individual council members can register their own views on the scheme.
If Morecambe Town Council has been consulted by the promoter under s.42 of the Planning Act 2008, the council will be classed as a statutory consultee. Should the proposed application be sent to the IPC, and then accepted for examination, statutory consultees will be automatically registered as interested parties for the purposes of participating in the examination process. Otherwise, a representative of Morecambe Town Council would need to register with the IPC their views in writing, by making a ?relevant representation? using the prescribed form on behalf of their organisation. Only people who register will be able to take part in the examination, and all representations will be considered by the examining authority when considering any application for a development consent order. Individual council members are allowed to make a ?relevant representation? if they wish to express their own view or provide additional evidence. The period for making representations will be publicised on our website during pre-examination.
As the application is still at the pre-application stage, I am unable to advise if Morecambe Town council is a statutory consultee and I would suggest you contact the developer for further information (email -
I hope this information has been of some help.