Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by STAG: Stonehenge Traffic Action Group (STAG: Stonehenge Traffic Action Group)

Date submitted
8 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I started the STAG campaign to dual the A303 past Stonehenge because this section of the road is no longer fit for purpose. A petition was presented to parliament in 2014 to this effect via [Redacted]. Long queues form on a 7 mile section resulting in rat run traffic of all weights and sizes using local villages to avoid these long queues that are present almost daily. This is worse leading up to the weekends and school holiday times. The A303 needs to be fixed to prevent someone being killed or injured in these local villages. The project must not be derailed by other groups who have interests which are at variance with Highways England's stated aims, most of whom do not live where we live.