Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Edith Rogerson

Date submitted
8 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Madam/Sir, Having travelled along the A303 many times in the past and on a regular basis, I cannot agree to having this area of haunting beauty destroyed even more than it is already. The thinking behind a tunnel -making the destruction invisible by taking it under-ground - should never have been considered in the first place. Approaching Stonehenge from the East along the A303 should be via a dual lane carriage way with plenty of parking at the top of the hill, and a new road, also dual carriage leading the other way, the East, should be constructed and leading around Stonehenge in a big loop. In other words, split the A303 about 1 or 2 miles before reaching Stonehenge. Anybody wishing to visit the site coming from the West would have to approach Salisbury (Sarum) and turn into the A303 on top of the hill and proceed in a westerly direction past Stonehenge. Also, the parking at the site could be moved away, and in particular the shockingly ugly and mean visitor entrance and facility should be re-designed.
Faithfully Edith Rogerson M.A.