Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by John Camp

Date submitted
8 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The application is flawed as it proposes a short tunnel (only c3 km) which will mean that both the east and west portals will still be inside the the World Heritage site (WHS) area.This will cause untold damage to the site -it will damage the paleo soils and will destroy the environs of the Mesolithic site of Blick Mead at the eastern end. The tunnel must be lengthened so its portals are outside the WHS. The huge roundabout with the A345 at the eastern end must either be deleted are moved further away from the WHS.

The project with its dual carriageways , not all underground but in cuttings risks damaging the very WHS it seeks to "save"