Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Robin Parsons

Date submitted
10 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I own a field west of Winterbourne Stoke on which the proposed bypass will be built and as a result my field will halve in size. The proposed design leaves my remaining land surrounded by public access where there was none before. The massive increase in public access, restricted or not, will mean policing and monitoring nightmares for decades to come for all surrounding landowners and residents. This area will be under severe pressure during the solstices because the area immediately around Stonehenge will be shut down forcing even more pressure on to these new restricted byways.

If an additional bridge was to be built for access at the western end of the project to allow a crossing for the existing byway and agricultural vehicles, then the remains of the old A303 could be shut off to all except agricultural access. This would make it possible to police and keep in order. The use of green bridges for public and agricultural access surely defeats the object of a green bridge.

At no time over the past 2 years, during the "consultation" with myself as a landowner, have any alternative designs ever been presented. The design team have simply presented their design as a "fait accompli" as we have gone along.

As the naive design currently stands the old A303 would quickly become an area permanently fighting fly tipping, travelling encampments and many other undesirable activities.

This could all be avoided with a more thoughtful design in the detail.