Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Karen Hanson

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Stonehenge a sacrad site for many. It has stood for thousands of years in peace. How will this new road impact on its chi. How will the polution from cars so near affect it. How will the vibrations from traffic affect its foundations. How wi its sacred e ergy be changed. To all Stonehenge is a place of wonder and awe. To many it is part of our sacred beliefs. When you look at your own sacred buildings and see the damage being done you simply paint over,patch up and repair. How do you propose to do that to a site that is thousands of yesars old and cant be simply patched up.. Our ancestors built Stonehenge for a reason. Please dont let our generation be the one known in history as the ones who started its distruction.